t’s hard to believe, but this issue (Jan. ’22) marks the one-year anniversary of producing All Chevy Performance magazine. We started from scratch and began production in late 2020 and knew we had our work cut out. We were a small staff armed with big ideas, but we pulled it off. We were able to put together the baddest all-Chevy muscle car magazine in existence. But it wasn’t easy. In the beginning, we were firing on all eight cylinders, and like all fresh builds, there were some timing issues and we even fouled a few plugs along the way, but we didn’t give up. Today, we’re running on the rev limiter, and All Chevy Performance magazine looks as good if not better than we could have imagined.
Thanks to a brilliant group of photographers and knowledgeable technical writers, along with a talented art director (Rob, that’s you), and highly experienced in-house staff, I knew we would be able to put together a superior product. But even with all that experience we couldn’t have done it without you readers willing to take a chance and throw down some cash for a subscription to a brand-new, unproven magazine at a time when so many people wrote off print magazines as being “dead”–a sentiment we totally agree with. Print is dead when done the old way: printed on crappy paper with a small trim size and short on page count—all of which we could do better.
So, as we celebrate our one-year anniversary, or birthday depending how you look at it, if you’ve been a subscriber at any time this past year, then you’ve no doubt noticed the magazine in your hands is now bigger than the previous issue. This new format is an example of the print evolution that enables us to run larger images within our car features while also allowing for more comprehensive photos and detailed information in our tech articles. Suffice it to say, we are excited to offer a better print magazine.
With all this focus on print, I know there are those who prefer to get their Chevy magazine fix digitally, which is why we’ll continue to bring you the electronic version of All Chevy Performance through our Vertiqul application (digital.allchevyperformance.com), and we now offer subscriptions on the Zinio (zinio.com) platform where you can also purchase single and back issues.
We’ve come a long way in just one year, and thanks to our valued subscribers, we look forward to many more years of producing the best magazine available geared toward the Chevy muscle car enthusiasts.
Here’s to a great 2022!

The premiere issue of All Chevy Performance—we came out hot and have no intentions of slowing down!
I want to hear from you. Email me at nlicata@inthegaragemedia.com